loving muse,

has it been so long since i heard you?

stilled outside noises and inside voices

to listen to your spirit whispers?

i need to walk the fields again

feel your touch on my skin,

your presence inside

and outside my soul.

people say

too many irons in the fire.

i don’t remember building one

yet there it blazes

so now, i look for you,

listen for you,

to peck at my window,

beckoning me,

come out, girl. come out.


6 thoughts on “loving muse,

  1. that’s what i say girl–come out. sometimes life can suck it right out of you before you ever know it.

    love this–perfect for this day!

  2. Scot,

    Thank you so much. You are so right about how life can suck it out of you before you know it.


    Thank for your words!


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