Kids are More Than Matter

Human Trafficking (modern slavery).

Drug addiction.



Who bears the heaviest brunt of it all?


The post you are about to read is not political, not religious, but it is spiritual.

I’m speaking from my heart and deepest understandings, knowing that some people are going to potentially get “their panties in a wad.” But some things in life are more important than whether someone is offended or not, the biggest cause worth sticking my neck out for to me–is children.

“Children are a heritage from the Lord,” a psalmist once said.

A heritage is a legacy, a gift by will, to be passed down to future generations.

A child is the most precious thing on this entire planet and according to Jesus, the closest thing there is to heaven. All the gold and silver on earth is less important in the grand scheme of things than the life of one child. Yet, each day, thousands upon thousands of children are treated with no regard. If you mar the child, you mar the future. If you kill a child, you kill parts of the future.

I believe the most important job any human has ever had on this earth is to raise children to be humane and compassionate and if we fail at that, nothing else we do matters. Nothing. It doesn’t matter if you are a biological parent or not, the way you treat a child (a neighbor’s child, a nephew, niece, cousin, student, etc.) makes a difference; each of us has an obligation to humanity to demonstrate what it means to be humane to the next generation or else, we get this:


Kids are not put here to pleasure adult sexual fantasies. They are not meant to work in sweat factories or be the source of black market body parts (if don’t believe me, check out the fate ofAlbino children Tanzania: ) Children are not meant to be tools that divorced adults use to “get back” at one another or to “punish” one another. They are not meant to be a means to getting government subsidies or punching bags for frustrated adults who were most likely abused themselves. Nor are they put here to live through vicariously, pushing them into things that are torturous to them so that a mother who never got to be a beauty queen can be one through her child  (like on that Tots in Tiaras show) or a father who was never good at baseball can shine through his son (the dad in at the little league park who yells and screams at his 8 year-old son over a ballgame that will be forgotten in a few weeks). They are not miniature adults and they DON’T understand all the things that can hurt them; that’s why they need parents: mothers and fathers and that’s why they need caring mentors, aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc.) They are meant to be loved unconditionally, trained (notice that discipline is training and punishing is abusive and punitive) and taught that they have potential, unique callings and gifts to give the world.

Children end up bearing the brunt of brutality, abuse and hatred and they can’t fight back. They don’t have a voice. Who’s marching for them? Who’s standing up for the most vulnerable population in our county? Where are the protestors against thugs who shoot little kids?

Tonight I ask all of you who believe in prayer, to pray for the children, pray protection around them. Pray that the eyes and hearts of this nation be opened and that all those kind-hearted people of every shade, gender, spiritual and economic background unite to make this world a better, more-loving place for our heritage. And I ask that we band together and raise loud voices online, stating that we do not condone the harming of children, physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually for any cause or purpose.

No more human trafficking.

No more drug culture.

No more abuse.

No more shootings.

Kids are more than a substance that takes up space and has weight. Kids are more than a clump of molecules and atoms. Kids are more than matter. They are humanity’s greatest potential.

#kidsaremorethanmatter #bethelight 

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