I’ll Fly Away

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com


beyond Northern Lights

where clouds are pink ice

I shoot


from earth mud


like a star

launched upward.

I soar

past gray folk

on park benches.


flying away.



6 thoughts on “I’ll Fly Away

  1. Ashi Joseph – A poet, dancer, and artist. Loves Calligraphy. Loves to capture art, life, the breathtaking beauty of nature and even the most trivial things we are surrounded with! ❤️
    Ashi Joseph on said:

    Good one 😍😍

    • Darlene Franklin-Campbell – Appalachia – I believe we are great spiritual beings on a journey through this physical realm and we each have gifts to share along the way. Writing is one of the ways in which I get to share my gifts. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share with you.
      Darlene Franklin-Campbell on said:

      Thank you!

    • Darlene Franklin-Campbell – Appalachia – I believe we are great spiritual beings on a journey through this physical realm and we each have gifts to share along the way. Writing is one of the ways in which I get to share my gifts. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share with you.
      Darlene Franklin-Campbell on said:

      Thank you! We love you too.

    • Darlene Franklin-Campbell – Appalachia – I believe we are great spiritual beings on a journey through this physical realm and we each have gifts to share along the way. Writing is one of the ways in which I get to share my gifts. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share with you.
      Darlene Franklin-Campbell on said:

      I love yo too, Sonya!

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