Gardener’s Compassion

I raked leaves

with my bare hands,

not to burn,

(cremation is so cold),

but to place around younglings

for the coming winter,

to warm and nourish

as they melt into the soil

from which they were born.

4 thoughts on “Gardener’s Compassion

  1. Sumedh,

    Thank you for your kind words!


    Yes, mulch! Thanks a bunch.


    Hahaha…I’d say stinky is the word for it.

    Sorry for being absent so long. I’m working to obtain my graduate degree and it takes most of my off work time and my brain power to do so. My writing time has suffered so terribly. But, on the positive side…I get some time off in December, AND I’m now over half way finished. I should complete the program in April.

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